Inspiration & Lifestyle
Inspiration & Lifestyle

Dressing Up – The Answer To All Life’s Ills

I was watching Blitz Street on Monday and once again it struck me how well turned out everyone was in old video footage from the era. I’ve mentioned it before but it never ceases to amaze me when I see images of people sheltering from bombs and picking through the rubble of their shattered homes

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Gift? For Me? The Ethics of Blogging.

I consider myself an ethical person, sometimes overly so. I’ll often torture myself unnecessarily about whether I have done the right thing and whether I may have upset or offended anyone. I haven’t really said a lot about this so far as I’ve not seen the point, but with the subject being discussed at the

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

5 Books Every Girl Wants to Find in Her Christmas Stocking

Books are a staple Christmas gift, and a good one I think. Getting books feels like being given the gift of time. To appreciate them properly you need to spend some time alone, in the quiet, possibly with a big mug of hot chocolate, a blanket and a roaring fire (or blazing radiator) and that’s

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Fashion Economics

This post starts with a story. At the end of September I needed boots. I spent several hours wandering the shops with a fairly small budget of £30. I tried on every pair of boots I saw, including some I couldn’t afford until eventually deciding the style I liked best was these: The were fairly

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Style vs Fashion – Twitter speaks

This year, for the first time, I have Press Accreditation at London Fashion Week. It’s very likely that I will simply check out the exhibition, and, part of the reason for this, is that I’ve been too filled with fear to approach anyone for tickets to Catwalk shows. I wondered about the reason for my

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Why We Buy….

I’ve read several interesting posts recently on shopping habits and it’s got me thinking about why we buy what we do and how we got there. In the early 2000s I was a student, and I spent a lot of money on clothes. I was a High Street Honey, not a Designer Diva, but those

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Can Cheap Fashion be Ethical Fashion?

Today I have heard the news that Primark has created the role of Ethical Trading Director and appointed Katherine Kirk, previously from Gap, who were themselves the centre of a sweatshop scandal, to the role. It would seem, on the surface, that Primark are seriously dedicated to ensuring that their products are ethically produced. They

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Join the Army – Read Magazines……

Well, I can pretty much say I’ve never felt so patronised as I have this week by a “promotional magazine article” about women in the British Army. The article in question features “Jenni” posing in a fashion shoot style photo alongside an editorial interview about her time as an HR Administrator in 2 Royal Welsh

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