Travel & Events
Travel & Events

A Holiday by the Sea

Regular readers will have noticed a possibly blissful lack of my ramblings last week. The reason for this was that I went on holiday and was in no way organised enough this year to arrange some scheduled posts to make the blog feel lively while I was away. We started the holiday with a couple

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Travel & Events

A Night With The Potters

I have a super soft spot for Holiday Camps. I used to go away to them a lot when I was little, and have taken several budget breaks to them as an adult. Whilst these days everyone jets off for a week in Spain or Tenerife every Summer, I’ve actually taken very few overseas holidays.

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Travel & Events

A Birthday at Bletchley Park

Wednesday was my birthday. It wasn’t just my birthday though, it was also Mr Chicks birthday, as we have to share. This is both fun, as it means “our” birthday is a bit of an event, and rubbish because I can’t spend all day making him wait on me hand and foot because it’s my

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Travel & Events

Retro Chick Gets Radar

From where I’m sitting it looks like we’re going to have a May full of all those April showers we should have had in, er, April. Bank Holiday Monday, however, was absolutely glorious for once and so we made the most of it and headed out to the country to the Radar Museum in Neatishead.

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Travel & Events

A Change is as Good as a Rest

January and February are always tough months! Cold, miserable, and skint after spending all your money at Christmas sometimes it feels like Spring is NEVER coming. So Friday was pay-day, and seeing as we don’t have the time or money for an ACTUAL holiday, we booked ourselves into a B&B about 2 miles away from

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Travel & Events

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Well I’m certainly feeling Christmassy now! Yesterday was Mummy Chicks birthday, and for the first time in forever I actually got to spend it with her. Having a December birthday can be a real pain as it’s a busy month for everyone, but this year the opportunity came up and off to Kent I went!

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Travel & Events

A Trip Up North

Last week was my Wedding Anniversary. I say “my”, it was of course “our” as without Mr Chick there would have been no wedding, but that looked weird when I wrote it as an opening line as normally this blog is about ME ME ME, of course. Well, each year Mr Chick and I take

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Travel & Events

Mad Men, Burlesque, Bohemia and Countryside

Don’t ever let anyone tell you there’s nothing to do in Norwich. Monday morning has come around again after a hugely busy and fun packed weekend! I’m sure that these posts are a lot like someone forcing you to look through all of their holiday photos, but in my head I am convincing myself that

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Travel & Events

Retro Chick Visits Hyper Japan

Last weekend, while I was in London, I also popped into Hyper Japan at Earls Court. I was super excited about this, mostly looking forward to checking out the Kawaii fashion section, but also because I thought they’d be some good stuff to eat. Sad I know. I was feeling super bright in the sunshine

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