December 26, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fashion & Beauty Vintage

5 Ways to Tie a Head Scarf

I LOVE head scarves They take up very little space, are practical and can add a pleasingly vintage or rockabilly look to just about any boring old outfit. How to tie a headscarf is a question I get asked a lot. So today I’m going to tell you 5 different ways to tie a headscarf!

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Fashion & Beauty Vintage

How to Wear Summer Hats……

Frankly I don’t think people wear enough hats. In line with my eternal plan to look as fabulous as possible with as little effort as possible I think the wearing of hats is to be positively encouraged. Nothing makes an outfit look “finished” like the addition of an elegant little hat. My own fairly modest

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Fashion & Beauty Vintage

Budgeting the Vintage Way

Today this is kind of a book review, but more just a book recommendation. The book is Orchids on Your Budget by Marjorie Hillis and I actually bought it some time ago, but have only just got around to telling you how fabulous it is! It’s actually a reprinted version of a book first published

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Fashion & Beauty Vintage

Style Icon for the Working Woman – Miss Lemon

It was aaaallll the way back in January last year when I made the man himself, Hercule Poirot, my style icon. Since then I keep meaning to add another very stylish cast member to the style icon ranks, but it seems every time I plan to I read another blog somewhere about her and I

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Dear Diary Vintage

The Great Pin Curl Experiment

Today I want to look extra nice. Some may say that’s just not possible (and they might even mean it in a nice way). Others may say I should have thought of that some time ago and embarked on an intensive programme of exercise and healthy eating in order that I might have clear glowing

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The Lazy Girls Guide Vintage

The Lazy Girls Guide to Making an Effort

We all like to look nice. We do. Our concept of what constitutes “nice” might differ, but at the end of the day when you feel like you look your best you feel good about yourself. I witter on a lot about dressing up and how no one makes an effort anymore, but the truth

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Fashion & Beauty Vintage

Retro Chick Reviews: A Girls Guide to Vintage

Remember Christmas? It was about a year ago? Well, when I ran my Christmas Giveaway it included a copy of A Girl’s Guide to Vintage by Lynne McCrossan and I promised to review to for you, so here it is! I got another vintage shopping book for Christmas, which I will also review in due

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Inspiration & Lifestyle Vintage

Why Did We Stop……?

This is one of my favourite rants. It seems as soon as I discover some amazing thing that makes my life easier or actually works as a product instead of just smelling nice I discover they no longer make it, it’s impossible to find or I am mercilessly mocked for using it. Thanks to some

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Dear Diary Vintage

The History of Things, or Why I Love Vintage

Over the weekend I paid my Grandparents a visit. I actually went because they’d had a bad car accident a few days previously, and seeing as I was in the area that weekend (I live 150 miles away) I thought I’d check in and ask them to be more careful in future. The snow was

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