
Run Norwich 2016 #RN16

You know when you know full well that you are woefully under prepared for something but you do it anyway? That was me on Sunday at Run Norwich 2016. Last year I took part in the first Run Norwich 10k, and enjoyed it so much that I decided to run it again this year. These

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Trowse 10k 2016

I find it hard to believe that 2016 is the 4th year I’ve run the Trowse 10k. It’s become something of a tradition now to get up stupidly early on Easter Sunday for the 9am start, then be in the pub by lunch time celebrating. In 2013 I ran in snow flurries, in 2014 I

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#Juneathon Day 21 – #WeRunLondon (and Day 22)

Well, I know this one is technically a day late, but yesterday was a long, long day and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to combine 2 days into one! After being sensible Gem on Saturday and resting my back a little, I headed off to London to spend the night in advance of taking part

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 12 – Two Right Feet

I WENT FOR A RUN! I made it through 3 hours of Roller Derby last night, and my back only started to get painful in the last 20 minutes or so, but it was pretty distracting and I was on the verge of tears when I got home. Half pain, half disappointment because my performance

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Fitness & Health

#Janathon – It Starts

This year I decided to take the plunge and sign up for Janathon again. I last did it in 2013, and it was a pretty good start to an excellent year of accomplishments, so after a 2014 that has been plagued with injury, illness and overall a bit rubbish fitness wise I decided taking part

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Fitness & Health

USA Pro Fit Kit Review

Recently I was contacted by USA Pro and asked if I wanted to review some of their Spring Summer 2014 fit kit range. In my never ending hunt for good quality reasonably priced yet attractive sports wear that isn’t pink. I said yes. I was sent the racer back vest in Teal and 3/4 leggings

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Trowse 10k 2014 – My Slowest 10k Yet!

Ah, it must be Easter Sunday, because once again I’m up at stupid o’clock in the morning to run the ridiculously early starting Trowse 10k. It doesn’t even start at 11am like lots of races. It starts at 9am. They don’t send your number out in advance either so you can just bimble up at

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City of Norwich Half Marathon 2013

Saturday night I spent dreaming that I missed the start of the Norwich Half Marathon and had to get my friend to drive me up, an hour late, as I had to run anyway as so many people had sponsored me. Thankfully it was a dream, not a premonition, and Sunday morning saw me lined

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Norwich Race for Life Twilight 2013

On Friday night I signed up to Run the Norwich Race for Life Twilight. I was running as part of a team called Chamber of Fishwives, with some friends of mine. One of the girls, Cyan, had lost several members of her family to cancer and was the instigator of the team, but there’s very

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