

sponsored posts

Fashion & Beauty

Artelac Eye Drops Review

This post has been a long time coming! My partnership with Artelac actually started around the same time as lockdown, but then, you know the apocalypse happened and getting to this point took a loooong time. However, that does mean that there’s a good 3 months of experience behind the review you’re about to read,

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Food & Drink

The Pitfalls of Meal Planning

I am proud to say that planning my weekly meals is something I’ve now been doing really consistently for at least 4 years. I can’t imagine how I ever managed to eat before I planned my meals, and the costs must have been astronomical. We would walk around the supermarket and just buy things that

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Fitness & Health

A Little Support

This is a sponsored post that was mostly written about a week ago, considering how much more important exercising outside and staying healthy is right now, I figured it’s as relevant as ever. But first, I’ll start with a bit of my back story! Amongst the many, many injuries that I never let heal properly

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Like Riding a Bike…….

For those of you who don’t know. This year I turned 40. The last time I remember riding a bike I was 18. I was having a picnic in the park with some friends and the public toilets were REALLY far away, so I borrowed my friend’s bike to get there quicker and I remember

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Pawfect Day with Pugs

It’s nearly 2 years now since the Pugs came into our lives and their presence has changed things a lot. We have less money, obviously, because Dog Insurance, food that suits their sensitive tummies, eye drops, soft toys, treats, poo bags and all the other things they apparently need just to exist don’t come cheap.

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Fitness & Health

Review: FlexiQule Herbal Joint Supplement

If there’s one thing I noticed at the end of this Roller Derby season, it’s that my body desperately needed a break. Playing a contact sport is tough, and playing it into your 40s means you really have to start listening to your body. If your body says it needs a break from being beaten

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Fitness & Health

Bupa Health Assessment Review

Recently I worked with Bupa on their #everydaymoments campaign, and I shared how mindfulness meditation helped me find my “zen” and deal with anxiety. As part of the campaign Bupa asked me if I’d like to go along for one of their Health Assessments, and share my experience. I was actually super keen! I’d considered

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Finding my Zen #EverydayMoments

What would you miss in your life if you couldn’t do it anymore? When someone asks me that question the first thing I always think of is roller derby. But, it wasn’t until I found my inner Zen that I was able to enjoy my favourite hobby confidently and without crumbling. There are hundreds of

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Fashion & Beauty

12 Days of Christmas Outfits – I Sold My Soul for a Snowball

Ah, see, I made it to day 2. Today’s Christmas outfit comes courtesy of Warninks Advocaat.  They asked if they could send me a box with the ingredients to make a Snowball. A Snowball is one of my favourite festive drinks so I said yes, with a vague idea that I had an idea for a

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