Monochrome Christmas Outfit

I did mention that now December had started you were going to see a lot of Christmas outfits?

The novelty tights with Snowmen on the knees are still to come, however. Today’s outfit eschews gaudy Christmas glitz and is (I think) definitely on the classy side of a Christmas jumper outfit.

This is the second outfit containing goodies from Joanie Clothing. I mentioned last week that they sent me some lovely things, but that it was too dark to photograph an outfit I wore out on a Saturday night. Well, this is that outfit after I put it back on and went out and took daylight photos in it!

I absolutely loved wearing this outfit out. The Prosecco Ho Ho Jumper (Now on sale people!) is a perfect fine knit that fits like a dream. I can’t help but love my black and white striped prom skirt (also on sale!) and those shoes are from LK Bennett. I’ve had them for years and they make me feel super elegant. The bow had fallen off so I’d put them aside to fix and then forgotten I owned them until I was having a sort out. Gluing the bow back on was a matter of a minutes work, and it felt like I had new shoes!

Now we’re 12 days into December I feel like I’m slipping into “waiting for Christmas mode”. My hair needs dying and I’m putting it off so that I can do at the right time so it’ll be nice for Christmas. New work projects start to contain the words “Once Christmas is over”. Everything people buy is “for Christmas”.

It’s that weird feeling where everything is on hold waiting for one day and it’s still 2 weeks away! I need to plan my Christmas Day outfit, because we all know how important THAT is, and I also need to decide what the hell I’m doing with New Years Eve!

Despite my claims that “party season” never holds that many parties when you’re self-employed, I actually find myself with at least 3 festive events planned over the next couple of weeks, so it’s a good job I have all the Christmas clothing really.

A little heads up for regular readers, although I haven’t been able to run my Advent Calendar giveaway this year due to time constraints, I am planning a little festive giveaway. I’m gathering together some goodies and I’m hoping to set it up to run from the Friday before Christmas all over the Christmas period, so that’ll give you something to do when you’re sick of turkey!

If you want to make sure you remember to enter and aren’t too distracted by Christmas TV then you can sign up for my newsletter to get reminders!

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Christmas Jumper c/o Joanie Clothing ♦ Striped Prom Skirt – ASOS ♦
Leather Obi Belt – ASOS ♦ Satin Bow Shoes – LK Bennett (similar) ♦

4 replies on “Monochrome Christmas Outfit”
  1. says: Sian

    Awesome outfit – I love the Christmas jumper! I’ve seen that one around a couple of times and been tempted, but I just don’t need any more at this point – sigh! Now I’m looking forward to the tights with snowmen on the knees 😀

  2. says: Charli

    Oh this is delightful! I actually have a skirt that is very similar to this from Boden and love pairing it with a skinny fit jumper through the colder months.

    C x

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