Four Things I've Always Wanted….

…But Never Had.

You must have these things?

The things that if you had it would perfectly finish every outfit, or that if you had it would make you feel like a proper Princess, or would be the perfect dress for all occasions or you just really, really like.

I’m not talking about those things that pop up on the Catwalk and become the MUST HAVE item of the moment but you’ve completely forgotten in 6 months time. I’m talking about TRUE LOVE. Things you might have started wanting 15 years ago but for reasons of money, time, or just the fact that the perfect item you have in your head doesn’t seem to exist anywhere in reality have never managed to own.

Here’s 4 of mine….

Leather Satchel

A proper leather satchel I have wanted since I was at least 11. I read far too much Enid Blyton as a child and it’s pretty much coloured my whole life.

When I started secondary school I wanted a real leather satchel as my school bag. Fortunately my Mother had the common sense to realise that in 1990 11 year olds were unlikely to appreciate the retro appeal of my satchel and would make my life hell, so I never got one.

Every now and again I go and look, but they’re always too expensive or just not quite matching up to the satchel that has lived in my head for 19 years. It needs to be just the right amount of battered, in just the right shade of brown and just the right size.

The Perfect 50s Day Dress

A real one that actually comes from the 1950s, not a copy. In my head it is plain with simple styling, a nipped waist and a full skirt. It’s not a flimsy halter neck, or a strappy sun dress. It’s a proper dress.

Like this. But with a different neckline (and this isn’t my size anyway)

Or this. But in a different print and not costing hundreds of dollars.

A Cloak

This is a love that has come and gone with the years. I badly wanted to be a nurse from a very young age (tried it, it didn’t work out, they make you get up early.) But what I really wanted was the uniform, including that fabulous heavy swingy cloak.

Whilst shopping at Christmas I saw a vintage 1920s Police Cloak in an Antiques store, it was beautiful, but too big and cost far too much.

I want a heavy black wool cloak that comes to about hip length, I want a collar, but not too high, and a cute fastening. Maybe a cloak with those little holes to put your arms through to do things.  (though there is a secret place in my head that wants a full length cloak with a hood too)

A Crinoline and Muff

I got married, and I got close to this. But I eschewed the bigger frocks in favour of something simpler, that in reality is probably more me.

But ever since I read Little Women when I was, well, little, I wanted to look like this. (oh look, a cape)

I even wrote to Jim’ll Fix It asking him to make me a Princess for the day. I wasn’t thinking of opening hospitals and holidaying in St Moritz. I wanted to wear a huge dress, and some jewels, and have people wait on me.

This long term dream is one that lives purely in the realms of fantasy. I will likely (definitely) not be buying myself a crinoline to stomp to the Post Office in, though I am tempted to get a muff. More modern day alternatives, like my Vivien of Holloway dress, that let me swish around like a proper girl are always on my wish list though.

What item of clothing have you always wished you had?

Top photo by aussiegall

29 replies on “Four Things I've Always Wanted….”
  1. says: Fiona - Notorious Kitsch

    What a great post! I know exactly what you mean about always wanting something, I shall have to think mine through as I always want lots of things, one thing I have always wanted though is a green velvet dress, you know that lovely vintage silk velvet that’s really soft!

    However you will be very jealous to know that when I went to my piano lessons as a child I had a leather satchel to hold my music in, I only just got away with it because I didn’t have to take it to school!

    I also have lots of vintage 50s day dresses, however it might make you feel better to know I can’t fit into any of them at the moment!

    1. says: Retro Chick

      Oh yes, that fabric is gorgeous, and I’m very jealous of your satchel! I wanted to play lacrosse too, becauase of Enid Blyton, despite being the least sporty girl ever.

      Fit is one of the reasons I’ve steered away from buying a dress online when I’ve occasionally seen something in my price range!

  2. says: Sheena

    I’ve been on a search for the perfect 50’s day dress for what seems like forever now. I’m a bit larger, so I might be able to find one, but never in my size. I’d hope to find one for Spring, though! I love your picks, especially the leather satchel. It’s a classic handbag shape and I feel it always makes an outfit look much more polished.

  3. says: Wendy

    I have always wanted that perfect dress. You know, the one that you can wear all day and then simply add a necklace to and it becomes perfect for a dinner and dancing.

  4. says: Alice

    A long black wool coat!

    I would love a cloak too. I own several ponchos and I love them, so a cloak would definitely find a place in my wardrobe!

  5. says: Maddy

    I wish I coud redo my wedding dress. It was appropriate for my beach setting, but I would’ve loved a beautiful Spanish lace gown.
    .-= Maddy´s last blog ..Fave Five Friday: Haiti, People’s Poll & more.. =-.

  6. says: IdStyle

    I always wanted a crinoline, so one day I just gave in and bought one. Just because. I am always trying to find ways to work it into my outfits, but mostly it gets used in costumes.
    .-= IdStyle´s last blog ..Fashion Dare: Winter White =-.

  7. says: Amanda

    Corniest thing ever – but after watching the movie version of Virgin Suicides, I always wanted a modified white lace dress that was a wedding gown in a former life, because Cecilia looked so pretty and ethereal in hers.

  8. says: GLC

    I have a cape (which is kind of like a cloak) from Tulle which I love to wear on chilly days. I feel like Red Riding Hood.

    I’m a nerd and I wish I had an Indiana Jones fedora hat. He looks so tough yet dressy with that hat. I’ve wanted one but never gotten one. Every time I see someone not Harrison Ford wear that hat, they look rather silly.

    While we’re on the nerd note, I seriously want some steampunk brass goggles as if I’m from a HG Wells novel.

  9. says: erika

    I want a Chanel jacket. I want to find it in a thrift store for 5 bucks.
    I once passed up a white linen YSL skirt suit because it was too small. It was 8 dollars in a Goodwill. I re-thought it and went back and it was gone. I should have bought it. It would fit now. I think about it probably too much
    .-= erika´s last blog ..S.F. MOMA 75th anniversary – Part 2 =-.

  10. says: Cafe Fashionista

    Oh, thank goodness I’m not the only one who has always wanted a cloak! There is something so enchanting and mysterious about them that I find irresistible!! 🙂
    .-= Cafe Fashionista´s last blog ..Thrifty Thursday: Victoria Beckham Carmontelle Cashmere-Blend Dress for Less =-.

  11. says: Dyl Cruz

    I wanted a 1940’s Swing Coat… and OMG I got it! Ebay! Black Cashmere and Lambswool. It came rolled in a ball inside a carrier bag, and I thought, Oaft, BIG Mistake, and then I opened it out, and the lining, and the softness, and the wrinkles fell away. It is truely gorgeous. Totally impractical, but I ADORE IT!
    .-= Dyl Cruz´s last blog ..Made with Love….. For Valentines day! =-.

  12. says: Lucy

    I’m totally with you on the satchel, i was actually browsing the net with a mind to buying one and thats how i found your site!
    I was also 11 in 1990, and had rather unconventional tastes.
    I remember I had an old fashioned thick wool patterned dressing gown, (reminiscent of Arthur Dent’s) that I used to wear as a coat to school, along with a pair of voluminous blue trousers and some purple doc martens!!
    I never wanted a 1950’3 dress, but i would dearly love a 60’s mod thighscimming number.
    In my mind i’d look like twiggy, but in reality, i’m short and dumpy with large boobs and very short legs, pretty much everything that looks pants in a mod dress…oh well.. i guess there are some things we’ll never have!!
    Back to the satchel hunt!

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