What I Did On My Holidays by Retro Chick aged 32 and 1/12


Remember me? I hope you enjoyed last weeks guest posts from such lovely people, but I also secretly hope you’re glad to have me back!

I wish I could say I was glad to BE back. Not that I didn’t miss you all, but after a week of (completely unexpected) 25 degree + temperatures, lazy dinners overlooking the Mosel and afternoons sightseeing punctuated by cups of peppermint tea and cold glasses of Bitburger I was entirely unimpressed to be back in grey, rainy Dover on Friday night.

If you hate holiday photos, look away now. If you’ve got the patience to deal with a week of pictures of mountains and vineyards then there might be a little treat for one of you later on!

Where to start? How about on a Norfolk Line ferry, on a grey and drizzly Friday morning a week ago?

❀ Rosie Trousers - Lady K Loves ❀ Cardigan & T Shirt - Primark ❀
❀Shoes - Rocket Dog ❀ Beret - eBay ❀ Brooch and Belt - Vintage ❀

This is a perfect travelling outfit for someone who had to get up at FOUR THIRTY IN THE MORNING (I didn’t even know there was one!) everything is comfy and stretchy and the beret covers unbrushed out pincurls.

A mere 12 HOURS, with which I won’t bore you, after this photo was taken and we arrived in Beilstein, our home for the next week.


It was finally time for beer, and lots of nice, sturdy, German food. All I had to do first was carry my bags up these steps, and then another 2 flights of swirly steps to my room *sob*

I have helpfully pointed out one of the windows of my attic garret for you.

After plenty of beer I woke up miraculously hangover free, ate a yummy breakfast of cold meat, cheese and bread and we set off for a boat trip down the Mosel to Cochem, the nearest town.

❀ Cardigan - Sainsburys ❀ Skirt - H&M ❀
❀Bracelet - Notorious Kitsch ❀  Brooch - Vintage ❀

Cochem was excitingly full of shops selling sticky brightly coloured liqueurs, plastic grapes, cuckoo clocks and other “tat” of the kind to set my little heart beating. I really love tat.

Apart from that it’s a beautiful little town, restaurants by the river and some nice statues and buildings to take photos of.

On the way back home we got stuck in a lock for about 45 minutes, which was a trifle dull, but don’t ever let it be said I don’t know how to keep myself entertained.

Have camera, will annoy everyone taking photos of glasses, books, windows and drinks.

Are you bored yet? 400 words and I’m only on Day 3, I’ll speed it up a bit I promise!

Day 3 was spent at a wine festival in Senheim, we were pretty much the only people there, till our bus left at 7pm and the entire village showed up. I think they were waiting for us to go.

I looked like this:

❀ Dress - Lady K Loves ❀ Shoes - Keds ❀ Sunglasses - Vintage ❀

The rest of the day looked like this:

Monday was a bank holiday in Germany and we went into Koblenz (twinned with Norwich, fact fans!) which was entirely shut.

Koblenz has a large statue of Kaiser Wilhelm, I read an interesting fact about it, something about it being destroyed and the one you see here being a reproduction made sometime in the 1990s. If I was cleverer I would have made a proper note about it so I could tell you actual interesting facts, but I’m not, so you’ll just have to pretend to be interested anyway.

I can tell you it was very large and impressive.

Fortunately there were some shops open in Koblenz, they sold tat. I bought an umbrella with pictures of Germany all over it of which I am inordinately proud.

Koblenz was having some kind of massive garden festival, in which all the signs were in German, so I don’t know if there was anything particularly interesting. I did take approx 4000 photographs of flowers though, but I’ll just post one, as the thought of wading through them all currently fills me with dread!


Tuesday was quite a pleasant leisurely day. I say that, actually it was exhausting. It was boiling hot, humid, my packing was inappropriate for such heat. So we obviously decided that today was the time to take a midday stroll up a huge mountain to the ruined castle above Beilstein and eat a picnic with no shade.

Once again, my lack of German leads to a lack of useful information, apart from the fact that the castle is 11th century I’m pretty much all out of information. The English translation contained the stunningly useful fact that it “changed hands many times”, thanks for that.

So instead here’s me and my parents having a lunch time picnic with no shade in the midday sun.

We did wander on a little further where we found a Jewish cemetery. Apparently Beilstein was originally a Jewish settlement and in 1840 a quarter of the towns 300 inhabitants were Jewish. It seems most left for America in the 1800s, and by the 1930s there was actually only one Jewish family left in Beilstein to face the Nazis. Apparently there are no practising Jews left at all today, but the town is so tiny that perhaps that’s not surprising.

I don’t know what finally became of the one family left there in the 1930s, but the most recent grave I could find contained an inscription that as far as I could work out was for a woman who died in 1938, and then mentioned the rest of her family in 1942, which was rather sad.

Hmmm, where do I go after such a sad story?

Well, mostly out for dinner and drinks, then bed.

Then, another hot and sunny day finally gave me a chance to wear my excessively large sun hat….

❀ Hat- TK Maxx ❀ Dress - Vintage ❀ Shoes - Clarks ❀

We went to Trier, which is pretty, but this was still the thing that excited me most.

Then we went to Bernkastel.

On the way in Mr Chick spotted a load of “junk” by the side of the road, so we went back and hunted it down. It turned out to be the weirdest junk shop/doll museum, I have ever seen. We knocked on the ladies door and she let us in to peek around. I could have stayed for hours, but I was a bit scared as she kept trying to make conversation in German and show us things! We came away with a vintage leather trimmed suitcase, picnic set and a brooch in the end.

I draw your attention to the Teddy Bear hanging from a tree. I took my life in my hands knocking on that door, all in the name of the search for vintage!

Sadly, for me, my story now starts to draw to a close, for that was Wednesday. We finished the day with a lovely candle lit evening on the balcony (my Mother will kill me for posting photos of her in her pyjamas, but they are very fetching)

Thursday was our last full day in Germany, and I spent much of it sat by the river with a glass of wine.

We did get the little ferry across to the other side of the river, which enabled me to take this photo of the whole of the tiny village of Beilstein.

Friday morning was an early start and a long drive. Ending up in a miserable, drizzly ferry terminal in Dunkirk with machines that ate the last of my Euros and left me with a Β£3 cup of coffee. See how impressed I am with my Β£3 cup of coffee.

I was, as you can imagine. equally impressed with this view

Though this one leaves me slightly more cheered.


If you made it this far you can give yourself a hearty pat on the back and admire the little present I have bought you home:

I wanted to bring you all something, but I fear that frankly that’s just not possible. So instead I have bought a pen with a boat that sails down the Mosel when you tip it up, a small bottle of a very tasty fig liqueur and a shot glass with a picture of a castle on it which I will give away to just one of you!

All you need to do is leave a comment and I’ll pick a winner on Friday (You do need to be over 18 to get the fig liqueur though, very important!)

And that was my lovely week in the sunshine. I have come back with booze, a bit of a tan, 3lb of extra weight and desperate urge not to do any work. *Sigh*. though I’ll do my best, just for you…..



32 replies on “What I Did On My Holidays by Retro Chick aged 32 and 1/12”
  1. says: Wendy

    Fantastic holiday story! It makes me want to jump on a ferry and go to somewhere I’ve never been before just to eat local food and look at stuff. I do like stuff.

  2. says: Ingersoll Watches

    Cool pictures. I love your lips and your lipstick. You look amazing – you kind of remind me of Merilyn Monroe πŸ˜›

  3. says: Aislinn

    Looks amazing, reminds me of the holiday to Germany I went on with the school some years back, but yours looks even more fun than that πŸ˜‰ So jealous!

  4. says: Steph (@mrs_sock)

    ooh your suitcases are nicer than the ones you were looking at! Very brave entering a house where they hang teddies, too many episodes of criminal minds would have sent me in the other direction!

  5. says: Roisin

    Fig liqueur sounds like a brave choice! I loved looking at your holiday photos, I’m looking forward to the next instalment πŸ™‚

  6. says: perdita

    Where do I start? What a superb holiday.

    I LOVE your early morning travel attire. Truly impressive and very smart looking indeed, I don’t think I could manage such a sparkly smile and pose at that ungodly hour. All of your outfits are fab, glad to see the weather was nice for you too.

    I am totally 100% with you on your love of tat. Tat is one of the great unsung joys of international travel (or indeed any travel) and should be celebrated at all times, I love your brolly. I skimmed the photos even before I read the post and thought, ‘wow, where did she get that?’ – love it.

    Wine festival, Woolies… oh the joy. And kudos for braving the strange shop/teddy-bear-serial-killer place. Looks fascinating (provided you don’t decide to split up to explore or open any mysterious doors!).

    What a super holiday.

  7. says: LandGirl1980

    There is an air of dry humour running throughout this post – which has cheered me NO end on what is a fairly miserable Monday for me. I am stupendously jealous of your German brolly. It rocks.

    Some grand guests posts whilst you were off – but welcome back!

    Oh – and fig booze? Count me in!!! :O)

  8. says: Len Lambert

    Love the photos. It’s nice to know you had a nice holiday! The place is awesome! I love your dresses too! They all suit you! You look lovely πŸ™‚

  9. says: lyn

    Welcome back. what a truly awesome holiday story. makes me really want to uproot and head there now. I love love love the outfit as you leave dover, I’m really into that style of knit at the moment. and well done for being brave to enter where teddies fear for their lives.

  10. says: Up Toon Girl

    As I said on Twitter, I love your blog and I love Germany – it was a winner!

    I also love fig liqueur!

    It looks as though you had a lovely relaxing time apart from the occasional endurance hike up mountains.

  11. says: gingermiss

    I love your outfits you look so glamorous, the photos are great, looks like a lovely place to visit. I also love tat, it makes my holiday to find somewhere to browse to find a lost treasure. the brolly is awesome.

  12. What a fun idea for a giveaway, may steal this idea from you πŸ™‚
    You look so pretty in all the pictures, πŸ™‚ I particularly like that candle-lit balcony, it’s just too beautiful (and love your mum’s PJs by the way hehe)
    Thanks for sharing this, lovely pics, and for the details of what you did, a great read Gemma xxx

  13. says: Winsome

    Looks like you and your parents had a great time, the scenery is wonderful and i love your outfits you look great, and its nice to have you back.
    Best wishes Winsome

  14. says: Spacey

    That brolly is *fantastic*. I already have far more umbrellas than a sane person needs, but I may have to look for a similar model when I go to Germany in the autumn.

    Fab outfits too!

  15. says: Emma

    I’m so glad you had such a good time Germany! It looks beautiful and reminds me of where I grew up on the German/Swiss border.

    Love your outfits too! that sun hat is super cute πŸ™‚ and I love your blue dress too! really suits you!

    I haven’t had kleiner feiglig in years! used to be one of my sisters favourite’s and she’d let me have some too πŸ™‚ fingers crossed!!

    Sorry you’ve come back to dreary england, but welcome home!

    Much Love from Brighton,


    ps – proves how good german beer is! no hangover! that’s why they’re so strict and have laws as to what’s allowed to go into beer over there. Why do you think you rarely see a beer you’d buy in an english pub being sold in germany? heh

  16. says: Mim

    Looks like a great holiday – those villages are so pretty. Your outfits are wonderful, too (and that umbrella – fab!). I like German food. Mmm, carbs and meat!

  17. says: Lena

    What a lovely holiday! Although I lived in Germany for 18 years I never really went on holiday there – so I’ve seen very little. This has really inspired me to go back!

  18. says: Katrin

    What a wonderful post. I giggled a lot! You wore some fabulous dresses during your trip. May I ask how somebody ends up in Beilstein of all places?

    Wine festivals mainly have one purpose for the native crowd: Dance and get drunk (especially the younger people). The “party” starts when the sun sets mostly. ThatΒ΄s one of the first things I learned when I moved into this area.

    Sadly you are right about the jewish family. The stone says “1942 in memory of our children, victims to their believe” It seems to be her two sons and their wives.

  19. says: Sabrina

    Oh you were so close to my home …. (I live in Luxembourg!) Glad you enjoyed the Mosel area , your pictures are great! I love the first day travelling outfit : very Chanel!

  20. What?! A week long trip to Deutschland and not a Dirndl in sight! Personally I think you’d rock a Dirndl like nobody else… but I love your holiday outfits none-the-less for the lack of it (especially as so many are by my friend, the lovely Lady-K-Loves).

    German food and beer rocks (but I would say that, my surname is Keller) πŸ™‚

  21. says: Joanna

    My home email kept refusing to open up the pictures so I had to go to your main sight. Worth the effort though. Haven’t been to that bit of Germany yet but I may go now. Looked fun

  22. says: Jo Bryan

    The poor teddy, I would have wanted to free him, love the flower pic only as it made me laugh so much, what happens when we take so many ppictures of say flowers or animals that will even bore ourselves in years to come.
    You look as if you had a fabulous time.

  23. says: Missy

    Brilliant photos, BRILLIANT outfits, stunning locations and excellent variety of drinks!!! Seems like the perfect holiday. Luckily the sun is shining today to cheer you up xxxxx

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