#Juneathon Day 4 – Zen Derby
byI am so calm and relaxed as I write, after 20 minutes of Yoga containing lots of hip openers and back stretches. For me,…
#Juneathon Day 3 – Super Gem
byDo you know what, I felt pretty awesome when I headed out to run to the gym today. It’s only a mile and a…
A Night With The Potters
byI have a super soft spot for Holiday Camps. I used to go away to them a lot when I was little, and have…
#Juneathon Day 2 – Never Work Out Angry
byToday started Ok, I was a bit tired, but coffee dealt with that. Then lots of little things kept happening that put me in…
Music to Workout To
byAll the way back in 2012 I wrote about my running playlist. After much experimentation I’d put together a list of songs that worked…
Juneathon – It Starts
byWell hello! I’m ummed and aahed for ages about whether to take part in Juneathon this year, and then suddenly decided right at the…
My Marvellous May
byAh, it’s time for the now traditional monthly reflection on my life, as told by my instagram account. May really was a marvellous month….
Friday Frock Love: May Favourites
byI can tell it’s nearly the end of May because there is rain beating on my windows. As ever I was lulled into a…