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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 21 – The Bad Pants

Today I am in such a rush to get stuff done as I am going away for the weekend camping. At 2pm I thought I better go out quick. So off I went.   Turns out that even if you’re only running a mile you should still put your proper running pants on and not

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Retro Chick Competitions Vintage

Lingerie Love – Rago Shapewear

Buying vintage lingerie is a bit of a minefield. For starters, we don’t all feel comfortable in someone elses old undercrackers, and if you’re lucky enough to find some deadstock, then what are the chances you’ll find it in your size? There are some fabulous reproduction companies out there, but today I’m going to share

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 20 – The Day I Deleted my Photos

I went out for another short run today. No real pain from my thigh, but my achilles has started to feel sore, is this one of those “all the bits are connected” things? Who knows. Maybe the running gods just hate me this June. I carefully took photos of my feet and sweaty post run

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Fitness & Health

#juneathon Day 19 – Back on the Road!

Woo! Yeah baby! It might have only been a mile, but I am functioning normally, ish. I’ve never been so aware of every muscle twinge as I was today, terrified of hurting myself further. But I was ok. It was however hideously humid, which always affects my breathing as I’m asthmatic, so the mile was

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Fashion & Beauty

3 Ways to Hide Your Roots

I seem to be all about the hair at the moment, don’t I? The other thing I’m now a total expert at is hiding my roots. When I had red hair they showed, but not so badly, but somehow my mousey blonde seems to grow through black on platinum blonde. Also, I am lazy. I

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 17 and 18 – Don’t Look Now

In order to avoid boring you I’m doing 2 days at a time while I’m injured, still technically within the Juneathon rules as long as I write within 24 hours of exercising. I’m loath to give up Juneathon completely as with 12 days left to go I might be able to get back to it.

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Fashion & Beauty

Sunshine and Showers

Saturday started with thunder and hail. Then rapidly moved onto blinding sunshine. By the afternoon it had settled into warm, but with grey skies, but it was with a typically British sense of distrust that I headed out wearing those crazy high raffia wedges that I’ve been waiting to wear for ages, carrying an umbrella

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 15 and 16

Well, I’ve been being sensible. The leg is much better, though I can’t bend it behind me more than a 90 degree bend without pain. So I am taking short walks and gently stretching it. Roller Derby is out for Monday, but I might try a short and slow run later in the week. Disappointed

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 14 – Yawn

Yeah, yeah. I imagine you all waiting around with baited breath to hear how long a plank I did today and how much I smell of deep heat. The answers. 80 seconds and a lot. I can walk without limping today, which is progress, but can’t bend my leg backwards, like you would for a

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