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Retro Chick Competitions

More Pressies for Yoooou!

I’m really pleased to announce I’ve been able to add yet more goodies to my Christmas Stocking! Luath Press have kindly offered to give a copy of A Girl’s Guide to Vintage,which is perfect, as we all know a Christmas Stocking isn’t complete without a book in it! So all you need to do is

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Fashion & Beauty

What Are You Wearing? Excessively Christmassy

My Christmas tights arrived! After I wrote about Pamela Manns festive tights I was determined to get myself a pair. After much umming and aaahing I went for the Christmas Santa tights and I have to say I LOVE them. They’re more a dark grey background than black, so they’re subtle, as tights with Santa

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Fashion & Beauty

Festive Discounts and other Goodies

Do you remember all those lovely independent shops when you do your Christmas Shopping? You really should. This is exactly the time of year when you should support independent shops locally and online, and it’s not just the big shops that have special offers to make your shopping a little easier. Today I’ve rounded up

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Fashion & Beauty

Retro Chick Reviews: Simple Revitalising Eye Roll On

Time for another review! I have loads of beauty reviews lined up for the New Year, so get used to it! This one, however, has been a long time coming. You might remember aaaallll the way back in September; when I THOUGHT it was cold, but had no idea of what was on the way;

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Fashion & Beauty

Gifts for Vintage Chaps

Is Christmas Shopping panic setting in yet? Mine isn’t yet, but that’s because I know I won’t be seeing my family to dish out their presents for nearly 2 weeks. I give it about 7 days till panic sets in. I ALWAYS leave Christmas Shopping till last minute, but I start my research in early

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Fashion & Beauty

What Are You Wearing? Staying Warm

Have you noticed it’s been cold? I don’t want to be all terribly English and talk about the weather. Well, actually, I do. It’s been blooming freezing these last few weeks making it increasingly difficult to make it out of bed, let alone get dressed up all stylish and head out on the town. Last

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Retro Chick Competitions

The Christmas Stocking Giveaway!

Snow is falling, all around us…. Could it feel more festive? Actually, yes it could. With the freezing temperatures and the inch thick layer of ice on the pavements I’ve actually been struggling to maintain the festive spirit I had at the end of November. So, I decided the best way to bring it back

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Dear Diary Vintage

The History of Things, or Why I Love Vintage

Over the weekend I paid my Grandparents a visit. I actually went because they’d had a bad car accident a few days previously, and seeing as I was in the area that weekend (I live 150 miles away) I thought I’d check in and ask them to be more careful in future. The snow was

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Fashion & Beauty

Ho Ho Hosiery

Nothing like a terrible pun as a post title. This weather is far too cold for sheer stockings, so, living in the 21st Century as I happily do, I turn to a stock of opaque tights to keep my legs warm. Being prone to an urge towards theming my outfits I love a good pair

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