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Inspiration & Lifestyle

August Favourites

Hi there, how is August treating you? I’m liking it a lot better than July so far, mostly because it’s been cooler. But enough about me, lets move on.  This month I’ve been sent a few nice things to try, and I’ve also splashed out on some nice things myself, so, today is my monthly round-up

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello! How is it Sunday already? Doesn’t time just fly by? I hope you have a nice day planned. We had intended to do a Boot Fair this morning, but the BBC weather app promised us it was DEFINITELY going to rain ALL DAY today. So instead we decided to drink lots of rum last

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Bedroom Decorating Ideas for Sleeping Well

There’s advice everywhere on how to sleep well. We all know the drill, go to bed at a regular time, have a hot bath, cut out the light, don’t use your phone and drink some hot milk. But most of us forget the importance of the room and our bed in helping us to sleep

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Fitness & Health Running

Run Norwich 10k 2018 #RN18

This year was the 4th year Run Norwich has taken place, the 4th year I’ve run it, and my slowest one yet. Year one was pretty good, year 2 I went too fast for the heat, had a meltdown and limped in the last 2 miles, year 3 I went slow and steady. Year 4

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well hey there! Happy “very hot Sunday”! Right now, as this magically publishes thanks to the magic of the internet, I shall be part way round Run Norwich 2018. It’s supposed to be hot, so after my meltdown 2 years ago I have treated this race as a nice relaxed jaunt. I shall run slow,

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Fashion & Beauty

Red Roses in a Heatwave

I’ll be honest right now. I am HATING this weather. I like a bit of warmth. Maybe 21-22 degrees, when there’s a light breeze and you take a cardigan just in case it gets a bit chilly later. This 25 degrees plus stuff has meant that I’ve basically spent the last 3 weeks on the

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hi there! How’s your Sunday going so far? Mine has been “blustery”. I woke up 6am and made a coffee as we had planned to do a Boot Fair, but the overcast skies and threat of rain made us decide to postpone the plans, so I just went back to sleep instead and woke up

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hello! I hope you’re all having jolly Sundays so far? I’ll be honest, my Sunday is slightly marred by the horrible headache and hangover anxiety that I have inflicted on myself by consuming a rather ill-advised amount of wine last night. However, I have nothing much planned for the rest of the day other than

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Fitness & Health

The Magic Formula for a Balanced and Healthy Summer

So, in my head summer is a time when I will be eating light fresh salads, staying hydrated with lots of water and tucking into huge slices of Watermelon on the reg. I will end the summer with clear skin and abundant energy. In reality, summer always ends up a time of weather so hot

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