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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, that was a very long week! Norwich Cocktail Week finished last night, and now it’s time to stop, take stock, and learn from this years mistakes and triumphs for next year. We have drunk far too many very nice Cocktails, had far too many late nights, and before I do any taking stock I

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Fitness & Health

How to Keep Happy and Healthy this Autumn

This post was produced in collaboration with Alive! The days have been getting noticeably shorter. I need a jacket AND a scarf and everything is suddenly made with pumpkin spice. Yes folks. It’s definitely Autumn. I love Autumn. In the bottom half of the country at least it tends to be full of bright, crisp,

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Fashion & Beauty

Ever Over Dressed – The Cocktail Outfit

Well, I currently just have 3 nights of Cocktail Week left before I can return to a life of healthy living, early nights and actually having time to go to the gym. Normally I can make it to the gym during Cocktail Week, but this year a combination of events, including Pugs, the arrival of

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

The Perils of Social Media, or Why I Deleted Facebook from my Phone

I think Social Media is an awesome thing. It’s kept me in touch with people I would otherwise have lost touch with years ago. Got me back in touch with people I HAD lost contact with and enabled me to run several businesses that would have been impossible 20 years ago. But despite this, a

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Creature Comforts and the Importance of a Good Cup of Tea

This post is produced in collaboration with The English Tea Shop I mentioned in yesterdays This Week I that things are, er, a little stressful, around here at the moment. These things will pass, as they always do, and routine will be restored, but when times are tough there is one thing I have learned

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Mooorning! Today is the first Sunday of Norwich Cocktail Week, which means that I’m currently facing my third night on the cocktails in a row. Normally it’s about Wednesday when the urge for a cup of tea and an early night finally reaches a head, but at the moment I am soldiering on. It’s a

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Dear Diary

Things I tried in September

I am a total big ball of stress right now. Norwich Cocktail Week kicks off this weekend, meaning we are right in the middle of that period of the year where I am attempting to balance my existing more than full time job with a whole load of extra work. Some of that work involves

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Fashion & Beauty

The Jumper Dress

Todays outfit started with the scarf. In late Summer I got an email from Hotter saying they wanted to send me a “little something”. I’m not one to turn down a little something, so I popped over my address and a few days later this beautiful blossom scarf arrived in the post. I admired the

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Food & Drink

Meat Free Monday with Goodlife

This post was produced in collaboration with Goodlife Foods [dropcap letter=”W”]hen I was about 13 I decided I was vegetarian. This was 1992 and vegetarian options were pretty limited anywhere you went. I started basically replacing the meat on my Sunday roast with a huge chunk of cheese (it’s weirdly nice with gravy) and lived

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