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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Good morning folks! It is still morning as I write this, just about anyway, if it’s not when you read this then Good Afternoon. Todays plans are somewhat up in the air. Mr Chick and I were planning to have a date day and do something nice, but at the moment Mr Chick is still

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

#GlamorousJuly Week 4 – In Which I Go to the Shops without Make Up and Smear Banana on my Face

  Oooh #GlamorousJuly is just 2 days away from being over. Life is going to seem weird without a daily challenge that involves me doing something ridiculous and attempting to take a photo to represent it. Maybe I’ll start from the beginning and make August Glamorous too? This week has been pretty stressful again, for reasons that

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Fashion & Beauty

How to Make Your Own Soothing and Brightening Facemask

When I was a teenager I used to make my own beauty products a lot. From intensive hair conditioners to body scrubs and facemasks, I would often raid my Mums kitchen cupboards to make beauty concoctions. Then I started buying them in packets from Boots and I mostly stopped. Monday’s #GlamorousJuly challenge was to treat

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Fashion & Beauty

The Once a Year Dress

Any guide to clearing out your wardrobe always contains instructions to get rid of anything you haven’t worn for a year. Personally I think that’s way too short a time. This dress, for instance. I am certain I never wear it more than once a year, but I love it and it’s not going anywhere.

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well Hi there! Is it warm enough for you? I know it’s incredibly English to talk about the weather all the time, and even more English to moan when it rains and then moan when it’s too hot, but srsly. We’re not built for these temperatures. Anything over 21 degrees is just excessive. We seem

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

#GlamorousJuly Week Three – In Which People Think I am Crazy and I Learn to Save Lives

Well, howdy Glamorous folks! It’s hard to be glamorous when it’s a bajillion degrees outside, but I’ve been doing my best! 2016 is turning out to be a hell of a year, I have to say! I’m actually super glad I decided to do this project. It’s given me something to focus on and a

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Cocktails Food & Drink

Summer Whisky Collins Cocktail

I’m pretty sure we all know how I feel about cocktails. HINT: I like them a lot. I’m a big fan of cocktails that taste like the spirits used to make them. I love a well made Manhattan, or an ice cold Martini. These kind of drinks need to be made with good ingredients as

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Fashion & Beauty

On The Whole I've Been a Saint

I love getting dressed up. I don’t know if you’ve noticed? I mean I’ve written a blog for 8 years largely based around the concept of getting dressed up. But sometimes there are those days when putting on clothes just makes you go “UGH!”. This Saturday night was one of those overcast, muggy, sticky nights.

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well, what a glorious weekend it is! I know I’m writing this super late today, but I have been stuck in a tiny room with lots of other people and forced to miss all this glorious sunshine. Shortly I will be heading outside to barbeque some food, in the way the British like to do

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