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Fashion & Beauty

5 Pairs of Summer Sandals that will go with Everything

I’m not really well known for the practicality of my wardrobe. I try and strike a balance, but sometimes you just need to buy the novelty prints, right? Life’s too short for a boring wardrobe. There is one area where I am quite strict with myself though, and that’s shoes. Sure, I buy silly shoes,

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Food & Drink

Partying Like a Tennis Player

Last week I was invited to an event by the Women’s Tennis Association. I don’t often drag myself into London for events, but this sounded really interesting. So on Wednesday I hopped onto a train and found myself on a rainy but warm afternoon standing on the terrace of the Kensington Roof Gardens looking at

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Cocktails Food & Drink

Raspberry & Mango Champagne Float Cocktail

Did you drink ice cream floats when you were little? I remember going to restaurants with my Parents, probably whatever the equivalent of a Harvester or Beefeater was in the 80s, maybe it actually was a Harvester or Beefeater, and ordering a Coke Float was a huge treat. We also used to get non alcoholic

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Fashion & Beauty

Sunshine, A Summer Skirt and a Lesson of Some Kind

The weather in Norwich has been beautiful this last week. I believe some of the rest of you have had thunderstorms and torrential rains, but here in Norwich it’s been all blazing sunshine and balmy summer breezes. I have therefore been engaging in a particularly British pass time of wearing as many of my Summer

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Well, this week has been kind of busy and eventful as it happens, involving 4 train journeys (2 of which actually got me to where I was going on time and without drama) and a visit to the Pin Up Pop Up Shop (Which is on Dray Walk off Brick Lane till Tuesday, I recommend

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Red Lipsticks

Retro Chick Reviews – Younique Moodstruck Opulence Lipstick

If you’ve been reading a while then you’ll know I have a thing for Red Lipstick. Over the years this blog has been running I’ve reviewed no fewer than 18 Red Lipsticks, making today my 19th Red Lipstick review. I feel like there should be some kind of prize. Todays lipstick review is the Younique Moodstruck

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Fashion & Beauty

Why I Don't Want a Capsule Wardrobe

Lately I’ve had a bit of a wardrobe clear out. I’ve still got some bits to sell, and even more that I should be getting rid of really, if only I could just bring myself to do it. I live in a pretty small city terrace, and dealing with the relentless onslaught of my own

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Fashion & Beauty

You Can't Wear A Crop Top Over 30 and Other "Rules"

I’ve been waiting to wear this Summer Dress for ages. Since I wrote this post in March in fact. The sun arrived, and I was all geared up to wear it. Then last weeks monsoon happened and I thought my Summer dress opportunity had passed. Thankfully this weekend the sun returned, so I got a

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Oh well Hi there! How are you today? Feeling good? Done lots of amazing things this week I hope? I started this week technically last Friday when we headed down to the South of England to spend a couple of nights camping in the woods with some friends. Who I have stolen borrowed some of the

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