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Fashion & Beauty

And Now For Something Completely Different….

Do you ever just get sick of being you? Not that I want to be anyone else, I’m talking more in a fashion sense. Like those days when you open your wardrobe and just think “Again?”. I’ve been having a little moment of that lately and I’ve been trying to mix it up just a

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well hello there! Welcome to another Sunday catch up on my exciting life. I write myself little notes through the week so that on Sunday I can just turn them into a blog post, and every week I end up reading my notes and wondering how that can possibly have only been a week ago.

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Fashion & Beauty

How to style a bob with ghds

For many years I sneered at Straighteners. I hated that pancake straight flat hair look and figured that was all they were good for. Then people started to use them to make those beachy curls, and I didn’t really want them either. Back in 2012 I was sent some straighteners to review and discovered they

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Confessions of a Chronic Worrier

Of all the things in my life I’ve ever worried about being bad at, worrying isn’t one of them. Most of my life I’ve been a chronic worrier with an amazing ability to over think everything. If I was going to chose a super power I think I’d have probably chosen something different. The first

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Fashion & Beauty

Outfit Post: A Beret Nice Sunday

I can safely say the weather this weekend has been somewhat “blustery”. If there’s one thing blustery weather is not good for it is nice, sleek, hair. Fortunately I have 2 cunning ways of counteracting the hair destroying evil that is a blustery day, one is a headscarf, and the other is a beret. Being

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Dear Diary

This Week I

Can you believe it was Valentines Day only a week ago? Last week I told you that I had plans for Valentines Day that involved trekking through mud, and that’s exactly what I did! This week has seemed weirdly long, so when I started thinking about what I did this week I was surprised to

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

How to Make Money Using Affiliate Links

In January I wrote about how to make money from blog advertising. I promised I’d be back with more information on how exactly it is that bloggers make money, and today, here I am as promised.  I’m going to talk about the exciting world of affiliate links, how to use them, and how to make

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Fitness & Health

The Answer to Runners Knee?

A couple of weeks ago I was invited along to the Jefford Centre in Norwich to have my gait analysed using a technique called Apos Therapy. As someone who suffers from all sorts of problems from my back to my ankles, I thought it would be interesting to go along and be checked out. I’ll

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Fashion & Beauty

4 Ways to Make Your Clothes Fit Better

No matter how much exercise I do, or how much weight I gain or lose I will always be a girl with curves. It’s just the way I’m shaped. I have a small waist and larger hips. Broad shoulders and a bust. And that means that sometimes I have difficulty getting clothes that fit me

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