Style Icon for the Working Woman – Miss Lemon

It was aaaallll the way back in January last year when I made the man himself, Hercule Poirot, my style icon.

Since then I keep meaning to add another very stylish cast member to the style icon ranks, but it seems every time I plan to I read another blog somewhere about her and I think “oh, I can’t possibly write that now, I’ll wait a bit”

Yes, you’ve guessed it, I love Miss Lemon.

I’ve just been bought the Poirot Box Set, so I decided it had to be time to stop waiting and just do it.

Miss Lemon, you are a style icon.

One of the things I love about Miss Lemon is that she’s somewhat different to the majority of the female characters in Poirot. Very often women are the daughters of monied country Lords, innocent ingenues or man eating femme fatales, but Miss Lemon is the very epitome of the modern woman.

She’s independent, unmarried, despite no longer being the springiest of chickens and she has a job, one that she’s good at and got on merit. Can you see Poirot standing for anything less than absolute efficiency?

But, of course, it’s her wonderful 1930s wardrobe we all love. Her wardrobe reflects her lifestyle. Not the dowdy tweeds of the country housewife or the glamourous silk gowns of the elegant party girl. Her wardrobe is that of working woman with her own money and an interest in fashion. It’s chic and simple, but with amazing detailing on the bodice and fabulous accessories.

I particularly love the stitching on the bodice of this pale blue dress.

Miss Lemon also often has fabulously intricate hair. It’s sensible, neat and chic but constructed with elaborate finger waves and pin curls.

Best of all, though, is when Miss Lemon has to leave the office. If there’s one thing that this woman must have a taste for it’s hats.

Jaunty little hats, perched atop that elaborate hair do at a rakish angle.

Maybe I should have called this post “The many hats of Miss Lemon”?

So, today, Miss Lemon finally officially joins the ranks of my style icons for proving that you can be efficient AND stylish.


14 replies on “Style Icon for the Working Woman – Miss Lemon”
  1. Oh I love Miss Lemon!
    Another reason to get the boxset I think. 🙂 Not that there will be any I haven’t watched before, but sometimes a little Poirot is just what a girl needs.

    Florrie x

  2. says: Circus Queen

    The hat in the last picture is simply gorgeous. Although (don’t hate me for saying this) the extra bit at the front looks a little bit like the chocolate vaginas that me and the V-day crew sold on our university campus a few years ago to raise money for womens’ charities. Oh dear, I had to say it. Still love the hat.

  3. says: Sarah

    This used to be my blogger name, as I am a modern day vintage secretary (alas not working for M. Poirot but for much maligned NHS!) She’s still one of my style icons and I can only aspire to such effiency 🙂

  4. says: LandGirl1980

    Ah! She is GLORIOUS! I am not a watcher of Poirot – never have been – but I am coming round to the idea – if only to see such elegance in motion!

    1. says: angela

      please somebody put me out of my misery… Her curl/wave to her hair has a name and i can’t think of it….Help!!!
      What a stylish character 🙂

  5. says: Perdita

    I love Miss Lemon! She’s so efficient and sensible AND stylish: it’s easy to be stylish in an evening gown, but making your workday clothes work for you is something everyone appreciates, male or female. Just as well we have Poirot AND Lemon!

  6. says: Josephine

    Love Miss Lemon! Excellent choice! My very fave Agatha character is Miss Marple, however. Can’t see you making a style icon of her but I do love her so much! xx

  7. I could never do an office job it would drive me nuts but she is so fabulous, and as you say an icon for the working women – I feel inspired to seat at my desk and work in her style even though no-one would see me working from home!!

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