A Bit of Scottish Flair

I wasn’t lying when I said I liked to theme an outfit.

On Wednesday I talked about all the Halloween things I wanted for my wardrobe. At the time I was spending a few days on a short break in Edinburgh. So, obviously I took this Heyday tartan midi skirt with me to wear, because where else would I wear a tartan midi skirt if not Scotland?

tartan midi skirt and green roll neck jumper

We had a lovely few days in Edinburgh and did lots of things (many of them Harry Potter themed) which I will tell you all about soon, if you’re not already bored from following my every step on Instagram stories.

But for now lets talk about this skirt which I absolutely adore! Some of you may know that I work for Heyday!, helping out with the social media. When Shona saw my Autumn Wish List post a few weeks ago she told me that Heyday had a plaid circle skirt similar to the one I posted coming soon and asked if I would like one.

Yes, yes I would like one. I said. Which is how I got my hands on this before it even hit the website.




The plaid check is green and red on white background. Which is going to make it pretty darn perfect for some Christmas outfits too. Yay! More themed dressing!

The length is also great. It falls just below the calf on me and I’m 5’4″ so it’s easily long enough for taller ladies, or could be taken up if you’re shorter.

It has a nice wide waistband, plus, it has a pocket. I’m not going to go into how much I love skirts and dresses with pockets, I think that’s a pretty universal love, right? I mean who doesn’t want somewhere to stick their change on the way back from the bar?

I happened to have a roll neck jumper in the perfect shade of green to go with the skirt, but I think it will go well with red or white as well.




♦ Roll Neck  – Primark (similar) ♦ Plaid Circle Skirt c/o Heyday ♦
♦ Shoes – Office (v.old!)♦

8 replies on “A Bit of Scottish Flair”
  1. says: Suzanne

    LOVE this look and the skirt. I’ve been thrifting loads of vintage plaid skirts lately. They are such a timeless classic.

    I think your styling is perfect.


  2. says: Tam Francis

    I LOVE this whole outfit. The skirt is to die for! I would so want to twirl around the dance floor in that. Note to self, add “plaid” in my fictional writing of my characters vintage outfits. YES!

  3. says: Porcelina

    Oo, very nice indeed! I love a bit of tartan, and that skirt is just the perfect length on you (alas, it means it would be too short on me, boo!). I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet how good your new hairdo is? You’re rockin’ it! x

    1. says: Gemma

      Thank you!

      I’m not sure how tall you are, but the skirt is actually very long. I like the length, but I think it could easily be 2 or even 3 inhes shorter and still have a very authentic look!

      As a midi skirt I don’t think it could be much longer without being a maxi on most people!

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