The Best of Vintage Norwich Awards and a Very Posh Frock

The awards are over and the went swimmingly without all my nervous nightmares coming true!


I’m eternally grateful to the amazing and professional people who worked the event and made sure that at least someone there knew what they were doing, our compere Paul Preston Mills, performers Natalya Umanska and Daisy Black, The Ben Weston Quartet who were our band for the evening, Missy Vintage for being our photographer and getting up early and editing the photos and The Fabulous Miss K for organising the Fashion Show.

You can see all the winners over on the Vintage Norwich site, but here they are in all their glory!

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The after party, with our DJ Jonny Love Train and Alex the Mindreader was my time to hit the cocktails, after sticking sensibly to coke during the Awards themselves!

The best bit of the evening, naturally, was my very posh awards frock. It’s a sample of a new 1940s evening gown design from Heyday! and it’s gorgeous. It’s made of irridescent green taffeta, so it rustles in a very satisfying manner, and the bodice is lightly boned so it’s very flattering to wear! It’ll be up on the site soon, and if you’ve got a ball gown worthy event to go to it’s certainly worth a look, I got so many compliments on it!

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❀ Dress – Heyday ❀ Necklace – 1930s vintage ❀ Peacock hair comb – Abilu Creations ❀
❀ Shoes – Red or Dead ❀ Earrings- Eclectic Eccentricity ❀ Bracelet – Rosie Fox ❀

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I can’t remember the brand of my tights, but I love them! Thanks to Missy Vintage for those photos

Anyway, I have to shoot off now and take my Parents to breakfast. Mwah!

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