The Dying Days of Summer (and the winner is)

Today I am mostly looking moody in hotel rooms.

There’s no particular reason for my moody looks, these are just the pictures that came out best in the bad hotel room lighting.

This is bound to be one of the last wears this 50s cotton dress gets before it gets too cold and it has to go away till next Summer. I actually bought it off eBay US back at the beginning of August, but thanks to the wonders of the postal service I didn’t receive it till the beginning of September and I’ve therefore only been able to wear it once. I couldn’t resist showing it to you before it goes away and the snuggly jumpers and wool skirts come out.

❤ Dress, belt, bag and brooch - Vintage ❤ Shoes - Oasis via eBay  ❤

Accessories wise, the dress and shoes are the perfect colour match, and the bag is a recent find at a charity shop. A little vintage leather satchel style handbag. It has a flip down front that fastens with a button and carries all your credit cards, like a built in purse.

I also still love this vintage brooch, found for 50p at a boot fair. From the style of the clasp I would guess it’s pre 1960s, but I really have no idea how old it is otherwise! I’ve seen similar styles from the 40s and 50s, but who knows!

Lastly, in keeping with the understated way I ran the the rest of this giveaway, I thought I’d use this post to announce the winner of the little pack of Simple Skin Care goodies I was giving away after the Beauty Boot Camp.

If you’re interested then the latest episode of Stardoll TV , episode 11, has a short piece on the finalists (it starts about 14:45 mins in) I’m in the background of a few shots, but apparently the next episode is out on the 6th October and features interviews with the Judges (whoop de doo, I’m sure we all can’t wait, I distinctly remember getting all of a muddle and saying I was “looking for someone knowlegabubble” so I shall look forward to seeing that.)

Anyway, without further ado, the final winner, selected at random using is…….

Ree Ree Rockette

Congratulations Ree Ree! Do check out her blog Alternatively Lovely, and keep your eyes peeled everyone else because I have a great Autumn giveaway courtesy of Aspire Style coming in October….

8 replies on “The Dying Days of Summer (and the winner is)”
  1. says: Fiona - Notorious Kitsch

    oooh I love that brooch VERY nice! You’re brave a cotton dress and no stocking today, eek, it’s rather chilly here for that!

  2. says: Mim

    That’s a fab handbag. I’ve been wanting a nice one for ages now, and can’t find one anywhere. Even my local charity shops just seem to have shapeless, slouchy things.

    The colours look great with your red hair.

  3. says: Jo Bryan

    Aww Congrats Ree Ree, she does indeed have a lovely blog.

    Is that the dress you were waiting an age for, the one for Goodwood if I remember correctly. Its gorgeous and you look very wistful in the top pic, looking for the sunshine I expect.

  4. says: Louise

    Your doing really well to be able to still wear a cotton dress, I packed away all my summery frocks 2 nights ago. x

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