The Lazy Girls Guide

Today I am feeling very lazy.

Honestly, I feel lazy most days, sometimes just getting dressed and brushing your hair is a massive effort, or is that just me? Earlier on, while I was attempting to make it look like I had got properly dressed to pop to the corner shop by flinging a posh coat and a beret on over the top of a dress with holes in it, I remembered a series of posts I used to write called The Lazy Girls Guide. When I went to look at them I realised I last wrote a post in that series in 2012, that’s 3 years ago now, where DOES the time go?

At the time I think I harboured fantasies of turning it into a book, I even had a publisher get in touch and I wrote a synopsis and chapter list for it, but it fell through. I thought about submitting it to other publishers, but then I remembered my incredible laziness and what a lot of work that would be. Not really, I just didn’t really know where to send it, and then life took me in a different direction, but I am still really lazy.


It occurs to me many of you may have missed my pearls of wisdom on how to be really lazy and still convince people that you are astonishingly high maintenance and permanently polished. So today’s post is a bit of a cheat as I revisit the the Lazy Girls Guide, with links to the original posts and any more tips I might have picked up in the last 3 years!

First up, 2 posts particularly relevant for the freezing misery of January!

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Winter Dressing” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

Feeling like all you’ve worn is black opaque tights and black shoes and black, black, black for weeks? Behold my handy hints to keep looking snazzy when you’re both lazy AND cold. My current top tip is buying cardigans, tights and berets in matching colours. You can wear the same black dress for the entire of winter with a variety of co-ordinated cardigans and tights and never feel drab.

Top tips to take away are making sure own matching things and that you know they are clean. A big issue I have, for instance, is having no decent, black, every day shoes and ending up really frustrated because none of my tights match both my shoes AND the dress I want to wear.

Also, buy a beret, it fixes everything.

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Being Ill with Style” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

There is so much lurgy around right now I bet loads of you could use this one. I know I can. Stay home is still my top tip. I’m so tired of having to give the evil eye to people who think they’re being “brave” by lugging their cold germs out into the world where they can give them to me. Thanks. Thanks very much.

There’s lots of nice tips on looking and feeling better when you have to leave the house in there too.

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Making an Effort” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

A brief top to toe guide on making sure you never have to leave the house in your bunny pyjamas. If I were writing this now I would add investing in a gel nail polish kit to the list. The stuff is so long lasting and chip free that you can have beautiful manicured looking talons for weeks without anyone knowing that you’re actually really lazy.

[infobox maintitle=”Handbag Essentials for Glamour on the Go” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

Exactly what it says on the tin! I still carry most of these things in my handbag at all times. One noteable exception is that I have moved onto blotting papers or tissues in my handbag. A few disasters with a handbag full of broken face powder means that I now carry an empty one to use as a mirror and use blotting tissues to get rid of shiny noses!

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Dealing With a Hangover” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

It won’t make you feel any better, but it’s the ultimate guide to have in your “morning after” kit if you need to convince everyone else you feel fine.

A perfect partner to:

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Party Survival Kit” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

This one contains some wonder products that will help fix your sore head, dry skin and greasy, rank hair before you have to face your public, or your work colleagues, or the people at the Post Office, or, well, anyone really.

Finally, one day the Summer will be back and we will all be complaining about being too hot again. When (if) it happens, you’ll be needing to follow some tips from:

[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Being Cool as a Cucumber” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

I still think proper hand fans are massively underused and keep you way cooler than an electric fan, or anything else you might try, for ultimate poser credentials I recommend teaming it with a parasol


[infobox maintitle=”The Lazy Girls Guide to Perfect Summer Skin” subtitle=”” bg=”purple” color=”black” opacity=”on” space=”30″ link=””]

As ever I am always open to more Lazy Girl tips from you guys! Tell, me, what’s your favourite way to totally avoid making any effort without anyone knowing?


23 replies on “The Lazy Girls Guide”
  1. says: Mim

    Stay indoors πŸ˜‰ If I don’t see anyone, they don’t know how lazy I’m being.

    I think I make far less effort than just about everyone else anyhow…

  2. says: Jessica

    I would love to see the lazy girl’s guide to being lazy. How to put no effort into putting no effort in. I think it could really be a hit.

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