Morning! How are you all today?
This week has been quite busy, but I wouldn’t say hugely interesting. I don’t have any fascinating tales to regale you with like that time I found a pie on the street and dropped a bottle of beer.
We did find a toaster on the street. I tried to take a photo, but we were walking the dog and he decided the toaster was an excellent place to have a wee, which kind of ruined the whole hilarious toaster photo, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.
Anyway, today I am off to be referee for a Roller Derby game. I also need to go and buy some ice cream. It’s shaping up to be a fascinating day.
But before all that excitement, this week I…..
Won an Award
Last week I told you I was playing a British Champs Roller Derby game. Sadly we did not win. I still believe we could have, but this time it was not to be and Rebellion beat us. They’re a tough team and it was a challenging game. We still have 2 games to play in our British Champs season and our hunt for place at this years promotion play offs, and the next one is in just 2 weeks. Eeep! It’s all happening so fast!
Anyway, we did not win the game, but I did win a Best Blocker award from the other team. It’s only my second Best Blocker award in 3 years of playing Roller Derby, so I was very pleased, as you can tell from my cheesy grin.
At least I didn’t cry this time.
Went to see Wonder Woman
With some wonderful women (ha! See what I did there?)
On Tuesday night a group of us from the Norfolk Brawds decided it was time to watch some kick ass women be kick ass, so we organised a group cinema trip to see Wonder Woman.
I loved it. It’s not the best film ever, but it was enjoyable enough for me to start attempting to leap around like a super hero, before realising that super heroes obviously don’t have stiff backs.
I think it’s gone from the cinemas now, but I recommend seeing it if you haven’t already.
This was also the night we walked the dog when I got home and discovered the aforementioned toaster on the street which is now covered in dog wee. Lovely.
Said Goodbye to the Doggle
We knew it wouldn’t be forever, but our 3 weeks looking after my Mum and Dads Dog came to an end on Thursday.
On Wednesday we took him for a goodbye party in the park. Mr Chick and I had a glass of wine, the doggle had a biscuit and a bowl of water and attempted to eat a plastic chip fork because it had ketchup on it.
Happy days.
Dismantled a Shed
Well, my whole contribution to the actual shed dismantling was actually opening and closing a door. It was challenging.
Never the less the shed was dismantled, and I was there when it happened.
We are getting a new shed. The new shed is going to be a highly organised work shop for Mr Chick and is the most exciting thing to have happened in this house since the last time we got a shed.
The old shed is going to a couple of our friends who are going to turn it into a beautiful garden grotto, which is much nicer than it was in our garden.
This photo is of the shed with no roof. I couldn’t get any further away to take a photo as our garden is currently so full of bits of wood and paint pots that used to live in the shed that there is only about 1 sq ft to stand in.
Was a grumpy old moo
Yeah, hayfever has been keeping me awake all night and on Saturday it finally got to me and I was a right grump at practice. I had to keep taking myself off track as I was getting angry. I was very disappointed in myself, but waking up at 3:30 every morning and wanting to take a cheese grater to the inside of your head will eventually affect your mood I guess.
I pretty much hated myself by the end of the session and it’s a demonstration of how bloody awesome my team are that they apparently still love me anyway. Awww.
I came home and fell asleep for 45 minutes still wearing my stinky Derby kit. When I woke up I felt refreshed enough to….
Go to a Wedding
The evening part anyway! One of my team mates Khileesi got married yesterday, and en masse the whole team turned out wearing clothes that weren’t stinky Derby kit to celebrate. I have to say we all scrub up pretty well.
It was in a beautiful barn outside Norwich and there were twinkly lights and a chip van. What more could you want from a wedding.
How was your week?
Congrats for the award! Looks like you had a great and fun time! I am struggling with the hot days!