This Week I….

Happy Valentines Day!

Just remember, if you hate it, you’re definitely wrong. I have plans for the day that involve trekking through muddy fields, but there will also be fizzy wine and chocolates, so we’re all good on the cheesy romance front.

This week has actually been sort of an eventful week compared to the last few, I went out, I did things. It was great.

This Week I….

Stayed Up to Watch the Super Bowl


I have never watched American Football before in my life but randomly decided to have some friends over to watch the Super Bowl as they were showing it on BBC. We ate hot dogs and pretzels and drank beer.

I kinda liked the Football, I’m pretty sure it’s where Roller Derby took most of it’s ideas from so I found it easy to follow, though I am slightly bemused by a sport where 15 minutes takes an hour and going to bed at 4am is very, very late for an old lady like me.

Got a New Phone


Yes, that’s right, it’s upgrade time! I could tell it was upgrade time because my old phone had reached the point where I could put it fully charged in my handbag and then pick it up 3 hours later to find it only had 50%. I am entirely sure they put timers in these things that sent them to explode at the end of your contract.

I only had a clunky old iPhone 5c and I desperately wanted the 6s. Mostly because it was gold, but also because it has a better camera meaning I can take better selfies, because everyone needs better selfies. It’s a very important thing, and I can almost pretend it’s work too. But the iPhone 6s was so horribly expensive and if I didn’t want to pay loads upfront would cost me almost an extra £10 a month, which is money I could more usefully be spending on important things like beer, or lipstick. So I did some research, found out I could get the phone cheaper from Apple directly AND I wouldn’t have a pesky contract, plucked up the courage to actually speak to my phone provider (I hate speaking on the phone with a passion) and they knocked £100 off. I was so proud of my negotiating skillz, next stop The Apprentice! Er, maybe not.

Next day I picked up my sechsy new gold phone and got all excited about Live Photos (It’s like Harry Potter!) and fingerprint recognition.

Spent £7 on Padlocks

Because I’m an idiot. I mean, this probably isn’t the most thrilling part of my week, but lets talk about it anyway.

I had to buy a new padlock for the lockers at the Gym because my old one had managed to reset it’s combination in my handbag. I bought the cheapest one from the hardware store for £3. I then just could not figure out for the life of me why I couldn’t lock the lockers, I was pushing the lock in as far as possible and then putting the padlock through. It was the same kind of padlock and same locker I’d been using since November last year. In frustration I went and bought a £4 padlock from the vending machine, figuring they MUST work, but still no joy.

After about 5 minutes getting really irritated I realised you have to pull the lock OUT before you put the padlock in. Which makes sense. I’ve been using these lockers with no problem for 3 months, but this information had somehow dropped out of my brain. Apparently it’s my age.

Went to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert


I blooming love Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Mr Chick bought us tickets to the Friday night Matinee performance of the UK Tour. I was very excited discover Jason Donovan was playing Tick. The show was great, if you love the film it’s a bit like a tribute, all bright colours, amazing costumes and everyone is waiting for their favourite lines from the movie (“Why don’t you light your tampon and blow your box apart because it’s the only bang you’re ever gonna get.”)

I loved the show, but not quite as much as the very tipsy ladies in the row in front of me who were all hand waving and singing along. I even bought a t-shirt, which I will, of course, cut the neck out of.


We also somewhat frivolously treated ourselves to a TRIPLE hot chocolate from Starbucks. We really know how to live on a Friday night. The reason for such restraint was that on Saturday I…..

Played in the First Game of the Norfolk Brawds Roller Derby season


Here I am, bright and early ish on a Saturday heading off to Southend to play the Seaside Sirens in our very first game of 2016, and our very first game in Tier 3 of the British Championships.

I hoped we would win, I really thought we could, and it was SO NAIL BITINGLY CLOSE. In the end the Seaside Sirens kept the lead and we lost 164-133. I was proper proud of both myself and the whole team though. I felt like it took us a little while too long to find our groove against the Sirens, but we stayed calm, worked together and dealt with whatever a super tough team threw at us keeping the scoreline really close and not letting ourselves get flustered. I’m feeling really confident for the rest of the season.

Mr Chick had stashed a tiny bottle of fizz in the car for me to drink afterwards, so like the epitome of class I got to drink it with a McDonalds straw. Even though we didn’t win I felt like the first Tier 3 British Champs game of the season was worth celebrating.


One reply on “This Week I….”
  1. says: Alice

    Happy Valentines Day to you too. Seems you had a busy day. I love watching guys jumping around watching Super Bowl as they are so passionate about it. I will love a Bud now, Cheers!

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