What Are You Wearing? Black on Black

Firstly, apologies for the lack of any proper posts recently. I’ve been tired, busy, and any number of other excuses as September has involved a lot of gallivanting round the country and long days sat in cars away from my laptop and Wi Fi.

The Winner of the Lulu Guinness Giveaway will be announced next week.

While we’re talking of competitions you can do me a favour and help ME win something for once!

All you have to do is check out my outfit HERE and vote for me by clicking the 5 hearts under the picture. Go on, you know you want to. It’ll make you feel all warm inside for doing a good deed!


Top - SPUN
Skirt - H&M
Belt - Vintage
Boots - Shoe Zone

The nights are definitely starting to draw in now and I’ve had to start my winter tights collection with a pair of black opaque and a pair of black ribbed tights. I’ve also had to buy boots. Only cheap things from Shoe Zone, I searched the Charity Shops till my feet were both cold AND sore, but shoes are hard to buy second hand. Eventually I had to resort to a cheapy shop, though I actually liked the style better than more expensive versions I tried in both New Look and Dorothy Perkins.

The belt is vintage, and made from a motorbike chain. I feel very rock n roll, but it’s quite heavy!

Sadly the lovely wallpaper is NOT mine, but belongs to a cute B&B in Eastbourne

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