What Are You Wearing? Excessively Christmassy

My Christmas tights arrived!

After I wrote about Pamela Manns festive tights I was determined to get myself a pair. After much umming and aaahing I went for the Christmas Santa tights and I have to say I LOVE them. They’re more a dark grey background than black, so they’re subtle, as tights with Santa on them go.

I wore them out on Friday night to a Tweet Up in the Lawyer. It was a kind of unofficial Christmas Party for all of us poor self employed Norwich folk who don’t get office Christmas parties, and it came complete with free fizzy wine courtesy of The Lawyer and local wine company Naked Wines.

Thanks to dark evenings, the flash, being in a hurry and the weird angle Mr Chick was at in our tiny living room, the photos I took before I went out didn’t come out amazingly. I thought I ought to blog them anyway as lots of people have asked to see the Christmas tights! As you will see, wearing a wiggle skirt and gloves also  filled me with the urge to wiggle around like I’d morphed into Marilyn Monroe. Please accept my apologies, this really was the best photo I got!

❤ Christmas Necklace - DIY ❤ Jumper - Primark ❤ Skirt - Lady K Loves oh Gosh! ❤
❤ Tights - Pamela Mann ❤ Shoes - From a Charity Shop ❤ Gloves - 1960s vintage ❤
❤ Bag - 1940s vintage ❤ Belt - A gift in 1996! ❤

Just in case you didn’t believe me that this is the best photo, I provide outakes. Outakes where I’m looking at my feet, and blurry, badly focused outakes. Maybe I should only do daytime outfits till Spring?!

Also, unbelievably, that skirt ISN’T the normal Lady K Loves pencil skirt that you’ve seen a million times. It’s one of her new styles, the Oh Gosh! wiggle skirt. This skirt is MUCH slinkier than the regular pencil skirt and has a gorgeous flirty goring at the back. I haven’t been able to wear it up to now as it’s so slinky I can’t wear stockings with it, so Christmas tights were it’s perfect partner.

Want a closer look at tights and the back of the skirt? No? Tough!

So there you go, that was how I finally wore the Christmas tights!

Did you buy a pair? How would you wear them?

20 replies on “What Are You Wearing? Excessively Christmassy”
  1. says: Jo Bryan

    I love em, so festive, they would look as good with a red pencil skirt. Maybe a cute plain jumper dress too.

    1. says: Retro Chick

      Ha ha! Thanks!

      I hate the one where I’m looking at my feet, my forehead looks like I’m a million years old, and the other one I appear to be doing blow up doll lips 😀

      I think fextive tights suit EVERYONE!

    1. says: Retro Chick

      The lamp is half eBay and half boot fair (the shade!)

      We spent ages looking for a standard lamp we could afford. Think the whole thing cost about £15 in the end.

  2. says: Cate

    I really love your gloves.

    I love the tights to and am quite tempted to get a pair but I’ve already got a drawer full of tights I haven’t even opened yet!

    Tis’ the season though right?

  3. says: LandGirl1980

    Nope. Totally forgot about them!!! And now my crimbo party has been and gone. Pants.
    I do love the outtake pics – especially the “ooh what pretty tights I have” one. Killer gloves too!

  4. really festive tights!! I actually have a lovely black pencil skirt, with a really pretty frilly detail at the back, i call it the “tail” and I love it but hardly wear it as I’m unsure how it looks on me, it doesnt seem to work unless I’ wearing high heels, and with shoes like that and the narrow cut I make one slow-moving person! I really should wear it more…I also struggle with the top part. I basically saw the skirt, fell in love with it, then bought it having nothing to wear it with 😛

  5. says: Hannah

    I like them…..if I had a pair I would consider wearing them with my black Vivien of Holloway circle dress with the Santa-red petticoat. That’s probably called all-out festive attention-seeking though!

  6. says: Lady Cherry

    Fab skirt, I don’t have a wiggle skirt, I will have to investigate further. The tights and gloves look fab with it too. I haven’t bought any Christmas tights this year so far, just very wooly ones!

    And I couldn’t help but notice your charming gingerbread man!

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